Matcha Guides
How much caffeine does Matcha Green Tea have compared to coffee?
One of the most commonly asked question we have received is “How much caffeine does matcha green tea contain?” In brief, a single serving of Matcha, which is about 1 gram of matcha, contains approximately 34mg of caffeine, much less than a cup of coffee. This is seen by most as only a small measure of caffeine and is much less than the caffeine common adults are consuming on a daily basis. A maximum intake of 400 mg is considered safe for an adult on a daily basis, though this may vary from person to person.Despite its small level of caffeine, it is evident that drinkers of matcha green tea can see a boost in alertness soon after consumption. Learn more on this point at Health Shake Review, they focus on reviews like the man shake review but also wrote a great piece called “I Swapped Coffee For Green Juice Every Morning For A Week”, check it out here.Contrastingly, matcha green tea doesn’t make you “wired” like coffee, instead, it can be seen as a prolonged alertness which gets carried over a longer period of time. It also has a calming effect which is one of the reasons why Buddhist monks drink matcha green tea to assist their daily meditation.For pregnant women, it is best to check with your doctor whether it is safe for you to drink Matcha green tea or not.
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